PRO ROE Unisex T-Shirt | Proceeds Donated to Abortion Fund
The PRO ROE t-shirt: designed in response to the recent devastating decision by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark case which granted protection over a woman’s right to an abortion under the constitution. This PRO ROE design featuring activism duo Gloria Steinem and Dorothy Pitman Hughes also highlights the intersectionality of the issue of reproductive rights. Like the shirt reads, ‘reproductive rights are a gender, race, and class issue,’ meaning that when these factors interact in our society, it leaves certain groups at a far greater disadvantage, like Black or Trans Americans capable of pregnancy. We feel it’s important to acknowledge these crucial aspects when discussing the issue of reproductive rights.
Fashion is the main theme here at Jurnfern Art, but it is no secret that throughout history, the cycles of fashion trends have very often coordinated with and been influenced by the social and political climate of the times. During major societal moments, clothing is frequently used as a symbol of one’s stance on an issue. Take the Black Panther beret for example, or retaliations against Dior’s constricting New Look in the 1950s.
We designed the PRO ROE t-shirt in hopes that it can serve as a wearable representation of your passion and feelings toward this issue. At the same time, when purchasing this shirt, 15% of all proceeds will be donated to the National Network of Abortion Funds where it will be divided among the various local abortion funds across the country providing support to abortion seekers.
The base T-shirt was produced ethically in the U.S.